Cantine Aperte, the favorite event of all wine lovers, which this year awaits you on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 May in about 60 wineries throughout the region. During this weekend it will be possible to taste fine regional wines and get in touch with the history of the winemakers.

Organized by Movimento Turismo del vino FVG .

For informations


The Giro d’Italia 2021 will stop in Friuli Venezia Giulia with three days that will certainly offer a lot of emotions.

It starts on Saturday 22 May with the most anticipated return, the arrival on Monte Zoncolan, tackled from the Sutrio side.

On Sunday 23, it will be the turn of GradoGorizia, which also includes the encroachment in Slovenia, to join the two cities elected European Capital of Culture 2025.

Finally, on Monday 24, SacileCortina, home of the 2026 Winter Olympics, a Dolomite hamlet that promises to be full of emotions for its climbs.

For more informations:Giro d’Italia 2021

New Management for RistHotel Airport

New Management for a new beginning From 01 August 2020, the Risthotel Airport has become part of the team of Gallerini Hotels in Udine. Immediately, the new management began the renovation and modernization of the Hotel, increasing the services of the rooms with the addition of the mini bar and the safe, refreshing all the common areas and giving new impetus to the bar on the side of the reception, also open to outsiders. Many interventions will be planned in recent months to give the guests of the RistHotel Airport as soon as possible all the unique services available to the hotel.

Read more

Sacrario Militare di Redipuglia

The Redipuglia Memorial is the largest and most majestic Italian shrine dedicated to the fallen of the Great War. Built on the slopes of Sei Busi Mount on a project by the architect Giovanni Greppi and the sculptor Giannino Castiglioni, it was inaugurated on 18 September 1938 after ten years of work. This work, also known as the “Hundred Thousand” Memorial, houses the remains of 100,187 soldiers who fell in the surrounding areas, partly already buried initially on the opposite Colle di Sant’Elia.
Strongly desired by the Fascist regime, the shrine wanted to celebrate the sacrifice of the fallen as well as give a worthy burial to those who had not found space in the Invitti cemetery. The structure consists of three levels and symbolically represents the army that descends from the sky, under the leadership of its commander, to travel the Heroic Way. At the top, three crosses recall the image of Mount Golgotha ​​and the crucifixion of Christ. Parked the car on the square in front of the Memorial, the visit begins after passing the destroyer “Grado”, an Austro-Hungarian ship that has become Italian after the end of the war. Walking towards the tombs you go along the “Via Eroica” a stone paved road bordered by 38 bronze plaques indicating the names of the karst places disputed during the Great War.
At the end of this evocative route, we arrive at the majestic tombs of the generals, among which the one of the commander of the Third Army, Emanuele Filiberto Duca d’Aosta, who had expressed the desire to be buried in Redipuglia, stands out. The tomb is made up of a block of red marble from Val Camonica weighing 75 tons. Next to it are the granite tombs of five generals: Antonio Chinotto, Tommaso Monti, Giovanni Prelli, Giuseppe Paolini and Fulvio Riccieri. Behind rise the 22 steps (2.5 meters high and 12 wide) which, in alphabetical order, house the remains of the 39857 identified soldiers Each niche is surmounted by the word “Present” and can be reached thanks to the side stairways leading to the top. At the center of the first step is the only buried woman, a Red Cross nurse named Margherita Kaiser Parodi Orlando, while on the twenty-second are the remains of 72 sailors and 56 men of the Guardia di Finanza.
Arrived at the end of the staircase and the steps, two large tombs covered with bronze plates they guard the remains of over 60,000 unknown soldiers. Go beyond it to reach the top of the shrine where the visit can continue by visiting the small chapel that houses the “Deposition” and the panels of the Via Crucis by the sculptor Castiglioni. Above this religious structure are the three bronze crosses.

In the rear part of the last step two museum rooms have been set up: inside there are the photographs of the first Shrine of Redipuglia, the documents, the war relics and the paintings by Ciotti that adorned the first Tomb of the Duke of Aosta, located originally in the chapel at the top of Colle Sant’Elia. On the plateau, at Altitude 89, there is the Observatory and a model of the territory that highlights the border line at dawn on 24 October 1917, the day of the Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo.


Via III Armata
I-34070 Fogliano Redipuglia (GO)
Tel. +39 0481 489024

Opening time
Redipuglia Memorial: always open

Exhibition rooms at the top and Church of the Madonna Regina della Pace:
from November 1st to March 14th
From Tuesday to Saturday
9.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00
Monday, Sunday and Holidays: closed

from March 15th to October 30th
from Tuesday to Friday
9.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
9.00-12.30, 13.30-18.00
monday: closed
Extraordinary closing on Easter day

For urgent restoration work in progress, the Military Memorial of Redipuglia can be partially visited.
Currently the lower square (Tombe dei Generali and Via Eroica) can be used up to the first step and the top part (Exhibition rooms, Church and Observatory) which can be reached along the municipal road that leads to the open-air museum of the Dolina del XV Bersaglieri and following the signs on site.

Sentieri di Pace – IAT Fogliano Redipuglia
Via III Armata, 37
I-34070 Fogliano Redipuglia (GO)
Tel. +39 0481 489139
Cell. +39 346 1761913

Great War Museum “Casa III Armata” di Redipuglia

An integral part of the Shrine, the Redipuglia Great War Museum is located inside the former House of the III Army at the foot of Colle Sant’Elia. Born in 1971, it offers an overview of the events of this section of the front and a collection of weapons that makes it one of the most complete in Italy. It consists of an entrance hall where a topographical map of the front of the Middle and Lower Isonzo has been set up and four rooms.

The first is dedicated to the Third Army and you can admire the showcases where the weapons used by the fighters during the conflict, some soldiers’ uniforms and medical equipment are exhibited. In the center of the room a stretch of trench and a karst battlefield with the position of a heavy machine gun have been reconstructed On the walls, numerous photographs document life in the trenches.

The second room, on the other hand, reconstructs the history and construction projects of the Thirty Thousand Invited Cemetery and the Redipuglia Memorial through the numerous photographic material. Added to this are the images of the war inscriptions found in the trenches of the area and a section dedicated to the Navy, the Air Force and military chaplains at the front.

The third room exhibits various equipment used by soldiers including telephones, leg traps and shears. Often this space is also used as an exhibition venue for some temporary exhibitions on the Great War. Finally, in the last room a video of a film reconstructs the Twelve Battles of the Isonzo and the translation of the Unknown Soldier from Aquileia to Rome.

Via Terza Armata (piazzale antistante il Sacrario)
I-34070 Fogliano Redipuglia (GO)
Tel. +39 0481 489024Opening time
from 1° October to 14 March
From Tuesday to Saturday
9.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00
Monday, Sunday and Holidays: closed

from 15 March al 30 September
from Tuesday to Friday
9.00-12.00, 14.00-17.00
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
9.00-12.30, 13.30-18.00
Monday and Easter: closed

Free entrance

Sentieri di Pace – IAT Fogliano Redipuglia
Via III Armata, 37
34070 Fogliano Redipuglia
Tel. +39 0481 489139
Cell. +39 346 1761913

menu turisitico

Menù turistico 2021

Gnocchi di patate con salsa di pernice e semi di papavero
* * *** * *
Prosciutto cotto nel pane con ken e mostarda
* * *** * *
Verdura fresca
* * *** * *
Gelato con fichi giulebbati al rum
* * *** * *

Piacevolmente Carso 2020 – Great War Park of Monfalcone

Sunday 27 September 2020
Thematic park of Great War; Meeting Point: Monfalcone Town Hall, Piazza della Repubblica 8
In the Great War Park of Monfalcone
Between pine forests and meadows where the fragrant savory blooms, up to the Rocca overlooking the plain and the Karst. Among the trenches and fortifications of World War I, readings of testimonies of the soldiers of both fronts, who fought in these places. Meeting point: Town Hall of Monfalcone Reachable by bus and train.Reservation is required
Curiosi di natura
cell / mob (+39) 340.5569374 –

Preice: € 10
Reduced: € 5 children under 14
Gratis: under 6 years
Tour Language: Italian-English

Easy itineraries, mostly flat and in the shade. Also suitable for untrained people.
Long pants and closed shoes with non-slip soles are recommended.

Organized by:

Curiosi di natura
cell / mob (+39) 340.5569374 –

Casa Cadorna a Doberdò del Lago

The Casa Cadorna refuge is located on Monte Castellazzo, one of the many karst hills near Doberdò del Lago. The building was built in 1916 (and later restored in 1977) at 106 meters above sea level. along a karst road used first by the Austro-Hungarians and, after the advance of the front towards the east in the Sixth Battle of the Isonzo, by the Italians. The dedication to the general dates back to a visit that Cadorna made to the troops in this place, considering it a refuge absolutely sheltered from possible enemy attacks.To reach this site you have to start from Doberdò and follow, on foot or by mountain bike, the CAI 77 path that ends near the lake. Along the way you can admire (paying attention) numerous military works, in particular walkways and workstations. After two two kilometers you arrive at the Casa Cadorna refuge from which you can enjoy the wonderful view towards Lake Doberdò and the Trieste Karst(especially on the line of Mount Ermada).
Along the CAI 77 path (starting from Via Vallone)
I-34070 Doberdò del Lago (GO) FOR MORE INFORMATIONS
Centro visite Gradina
Via Vallone, 32
I-34070 Doberdò del Lago (GO)
Tel. +39 0481 784111
Cell. +39 320 2963942
specialità di caccia

Le nostre specialità di caccia

Antipasto misto di caccia con degustazione di patè
(petto d’oca selvatica, lingua di cervo, coppa affumicata, salame di cervo)
* * *** * *
Quadroni al capriolo con erbe fini
Gnocchi di patate con salsa di pernice e semi di papavero
* * *** * *
1/2 pernice rossa con kiffel di patate
* * *** * *
Cervo e Cinghiale ai mirtilli con polenta
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Crudità di stagione

Patate al forno

* * *** * *
Gelato alla crema con fichi giulebbati al rum
Sorbetto alla mela

specialità di stagione

Le nostre specialità di stagione

Sformato di zucca con fonduta e prosciutto crudo

Tortini di zucchine con fonduta e prosciutto crudo

* * *** * *

Ravioli ricotta e spinaci

Tagliatelle ai funghi

Gnocchi di zucca con burro e ricotta affumicata

* * *** * *

Costine d’agnello

Quaglie disossate con polenta

Petto di faraona ai lamponi

* * *** * *

Kiffel di patate

Verdure alla griglia

* * *** * *

Gnocchi di susine (possibile averli anche come primo)

Sacher con panna

Torta di mele con crema Chantilly